And also a '70s-ness. See, I remember reading somewhere that you'd never be able to write a truly accurate depiction of life during the '70s without including the rampant '50s nostalgia. Guess what rampant nostalgia '90s kids were bombarded with?
And so, we have a Disney Park special that whisks two little boys from 1971 through time to land in 1996. Yup, it's bonkers. It's more fun than "The Dream is Alive" at least; we actually get to see Walt Disney World for one thing.
Highlights to watch out for include the infamous Castle Cake, a deeply troubling walk-around Quasimodo costume, a God-damn "Really 700 Years Old" gag in a Disney special?!? 😨, and -of course- a mime! Because it isn't a truly baffling vintage Disney Parks special without mimes.
Art of the Day!
So, I've been thinking about the "Kingdom Hearts 3" trailer a lot, and I think my very favorite part is when this happens: