The unthinkable happened; I was about to go on a trip and did not have a new Sketchbook handy to start once my current one ran out of pages. (I draw through and entire Sketchbook and start a new one immediately. I have heard this is unusual of me but my broken OCD brain and I just can't believe it.) Fortunately, I was able to order the two lovelies pictured above right away from Amazon.
The one on top is the one I am currently using and that went to Florida with me, the ZenArt Supplies B6 Sketchbook. And it's very nice for sketching, doodling, and writing with a pencil or ballpoint pen. But the pages are almost ridiculously thin; I have to scan with a sheet of card stock in between the pages or you'd have a nice preview of the art on the next page. Art markers bleed right through and the pages roll over and give up at the very sight of even a dry-ish watercolor brush. It fits right in my purse, though, and so this little Sketchbook joined me on every ride, show, exhibit, and other adventure in Disney World. (For what it's worth, yes the paper is blacklight sensitive.)
And the ZenArt went to Animal Kingdom with me. I have to say the ZenArt is very nice for drawing quickly on the spot. I suppose though, so would a Sketchbook with nicer paper of the same size. Oh well, here are the studies of the animals there: