Still, in that hour, I managed to get in some quality life drawing time:

And the inevitable
Sad and/or Hilarious Things Overheard At The Zoo:
"I wish they had elephants here." - A person who either didn't read the sign or didn't quite "get" it
"Is that ALL your vocabulary?!?" - Some lady, directed at a bird. (WTF?)
"BWAAAARK! BWAAAARK!!! Cuck-cuck-cuck-coooooooo!!!" - Old man -um- communicating with the animals. There was also a crazy kid, totally unrelated, hissing at the Lynxes who were trying to sleep. There are times when you wouldn't like it if certain zoo visitors were maimed by angry animals and then there are times like that...
And the usual, "I don't understand what I'm seeing here so I will make wild assumptions instead of reading the f&^%ing signs!"
Since this is a little short, here come the inevitable Links of Interest!
Sticking with the subject of this post, Andreas Deja shared some truly beautiful and sensitive animal drawings by Marc Davis.
The biennial Focus on Nature exhibition has posted a call for entries. The deadline is October 1 and you may enter two paintings (or... four. The rules are a bit convoluted as you will see.)
I am not the only one who is bummed out at the end of the Space Shuttle program... But there is, if you will, a New Hope according to Geek Dad.
Speaking of bummers, the film that disrupted my visit to the Franklin Park Zoo a while back is arriving in theaters soon and... it's pretty much exactly what I guessed it would be.
But in happier movie news, there's a new "Hobbit" production diary.
Twenty paintings from the Crazy For Cult Show have been revealed online. Holy crap, the "Predator"/"Goonies"/"Big Trouble in Little China"/"Neverending Story" crossover!
I was in no way aware of this never-made "Dazzler" movie and now I am kind of sad that it does not exist. Because who wouldn't want to watch a film where K.I.S.S. and the Village People are rival superhero teams?
The theme for the next Science 3.0 Blogging Contest is dinosaurs! Submit one (or three) of your dinosaur-involving blog posts or (even though I hate to be That Person) vote for me!
And, if you love dinosaurs and message boards, please join Hell Creek!