So, an awful lot of things happened between the last blog post and this one and most of them were, indeed, awful. I apologize in advance for the sad news but having hadn't posted in ages, I feel like an explanation is owed.
The month began with the sudden passing of my uncle, one of the funniest people I ever knew and the husband of my Godmother, who passed away last year. This has, all told, been a hell of a couple of years for me. Much of October was spent dealing with the fallout from this. And just as my family and I were starting to get a handle on things, the month ended with The Nameless Storm. At least ten trees were down in our neighborhood and we lost power for a week (we have a generator thank goodness, but still). Fun times.
So October, the month, was a seemingly endless nightmare.
INK-tober, however, was fantastic. I loved seeing everyone's art; it really did cheer me up during a terrible time. I also drew a picture for every single day in October and honestly, I have no idea how I even did it. To tell the truth, I'm a little soured on daily art challenges even though this was mostly stressful because of extenuating circumstances. Anyway, here they all are. Head to Flickr for the larger versions and more information: