Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The 25 Weird Days of Christmas Day 16: "Santa and the Fairy Snow Queen"

I think I may have to go back and update my old list of Weird "Nutcracker" Adaptations...

Oh wow...

* - It's Mr. B-Sharp!?
* - Most of these costumes are pretty cool.  The Lion and Raggedy Anne, on the other hand, are tragedies.
* - Santa begs for the Fairy to change the characters back into toys because they might get broken or fall in love.  "You weren't made for living!"  Have some existential horror for Christmas!
* -  So.  Turns out the idea of having a magical toy spy on your kids for Santa to make sure they're being good around Christmas isn't a new thing.  (This does not make it okay.)


Art of the Day!

An oldie, but a goodie. Consider it a "stay tuned"...

12.4.13 - The Pixie in the Parlor!