Friday, December 4, 2015

The 25 Weird Days of Christmas Day 4: Disney's Christmas Fantasy on Ice!


The teenager in me is hyperventilating right now, so here are adult-me's notes:

* - This is from 1992 and has the very a rare version of the Wonderful World of Disney opening.  Trigger Warning for the cereal scene in "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" (though note at least we are not alone).
* - Eisner on Rollerblades...
* - I believe I must recommend the outstanding "30 for 30" episode about Skategate, "The Price of Gold" (available on Netflix Instant), as it'd be hard to explain here.
* - That Dopey mask...
* - "Oh, here's a fun ride; a BENCH!"
* - I want to see fangirls fawning over *this* Jack Frost.
* -  Did you know that Olympic champion ice skaters are the guardians of portions of a magical snowflake and are essentially Ice-type Pokemon?  Well they are, apparently.
* - Roger Rabbit!
* - I can't believe Disney is using their special holiday event to shove their most popular recent movie down our throats you guys.
* - I am a sucker for figure skating and pretty much everything else in this special.


Art of the Day:

Have a cute snowman!

12.1.15 - Cute Snowman