
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Victory Garden 2012 Edition!

Now if you have been following me on Twitter, you probably have already been seeing updates on my vegetable and herb gardens popping up here and there.  If not, here is an update and a bit more explanation.

This year, for a change of pace and based upon what we learned from our first garden last year, I decided to put all the herbs in window boxes instead of in the garden proper. It will give the veggies more breathing room and -more importantly- the herbs will be right out on the back deck near the kitchen. They'll be easier to get at and we'll have more impetus to use them while cooking.

In the main garden, I stuck with tomatoes and squash mostly, as they did the best last time. I avoided cucumbers and peppers as they didn't do nearly as well. I also planted a lot of seeds, and have more seeds getting ready in starter pots.

We had a lot of violent rains early in the season.  Most of the plants and seeds enjoyed this while a couple didn't make it.  A lot of seeds are sprouting, and that lettuce is crazy!

Sketch of the Day!

I got a most unusual commission recently. Here are some very early ideas for it:

5.20.12 Sketchbook Page