
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Updates on "Dinosaur Rock" and Feederwatch

Great galloping gallamimids, look what I finally found:

"Dinosaur Rock" cover art

Right the heck out of nowhere, in a box of old videos.

The artist is Kenneth Smith and the painting dates from 1984. I stated in my review of the newer version of this album that the cover art for the original was "visual madness". Well, it's actually weirder than I remember. Here's a close-up of the above scan:

"Dinosaur Rock" cover art detail

The left-hand side of this painting is awesome on toast. The right-hand-side never even registered to me as a kid and now looks creepy.

Let's focus on the chap on the left, the Hadrosaurus from Hackensack. I am amazed that anyone ever imagined that this is what a
Hadrosaurus foulkii looked like. He's got more rolls on him than the entire cast of fictional species from The New Dinosaurs. He's got creepy vaguely-humanlike legs. And he is PLAYING A GUITAR MADE OUT OF A DEAD ANKYLOSAUR F*** YEAH!

It's too bad his audience is two kids in bathing suits and a shirtless-if-your-eyes-don't-register-the-collar adult man. Who casts three shadows. And I don't even know what's going on in the background.

Sketch of the Day!

Leftover weirdness from Christmas.

12.24.11 - Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Otters

With apologies to Henson, Hoban, et al and to Harman, Ising, et al. Now that my theory on My Little Pony genetics has been all-but-confirmed by the latest episode (I take it nobody wants to hear it), this is my new favorite crazy pop culture theory and now it's yours too.