"Madagascar: Carnet De Voyage" - I can't tell what kind of animation is used here and that's a very refreshing thing to be able to say! What I love about this short is the way it captures what it feels like to re-read my old Sketchbooks. Also, Lemurs!!!
"The Gruffalo" - Based off a children's book and aired for an all-too-brief-and-I-am-cursing-myself-out-for-not-alerting-you-dear-readers period on ABC Family during their 25 Days of Christmas. Absolutely delightful with unique character designs and atmospheric animation.
"Let's Pollute!" - The full short isn't available online, but the link goes to a clip and apparently you can download the full short on iTunes. The style is a lot of fun and seems to be a parody of the educational animation produced for "The Wonderful World of Disney" and EPCOT center. (In fact, do I detect a direct dig on the current Universe of Energy?)
"Day and Night" - Needless to say, Disney's lawyers aren't allowing this online. Wah. Then again, since we've pretty much all seen "Toy Story 3", we know how good this is.
"The Lost Thing" - And here is my favorite short of the lot. It made a rainbow in my heart.
I MAY, this is obviously a big "MAY", attempt a live-blog this awards show. In any case, get your drinks ready.
Great Backyard Bird Count Results!
I did my counting while on what was originally going to be a ski trip this past long weekend. I say "originally" because the weekend was plagued be extreme winds. We did get out and walk around a little but there were very few birds to be observed. The tally below covers Friday afternoon and the entire three-day weekend.
Habitat(s): coniferous woods, agricultural, rural, freshwater
Checklist: Canada Goose, Mallard, Hawk (unknown species), Gull (unknown species), American Crow, Common Raven, White-breasted Nuthatch
Art of the Day!
It's Hipster Tiktaalik!
![It's Hipster Tiktaalik!](https://farm5.static.flickr.com/4134/5448196039_4e55f6071c.jpg)