
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oscar Nominated Shorts!

A couple of shorts nominated for Best Animated Feature have thankfully popped up online. I'm going to link to them (rather than embed, because of formatting issues) and share my thoughts. Watch them while you can!

"Madagascar: Carnet De Voyage" - I can't tell what kind of animation is used here and that's a very refreshing thing to be able to say! What I love about this short is the way it captures what it feels like to re-read my old
Sketchbooks. Also, Lemurs!!!

"The Gruffalo" - Based off a children's book and aired for an all-too-brief-and-I-am-cursing-myself-out-for-not-alerting-you-dear-readers period on ABC Family during their 25 Days of Christmas. Absolutely delightful with unique character designs and atmospheric animation.

"Let's Pollute!" - The full short isn't available online, but the link goes to a clip and apparently you can download the full short on iTunes. The style is a lot of fun and seems to be a parody of the educational animation produced for "The Wonderful World of Disney" and EPCOT center. (In fact, do I detect a direct dig on the current Universe of Energy?)

"Day and Night" - Needless to say, Disney's lawyers aren't allowing this online. Wah. Then again, since we've pretty much all seen "Toy Story 3", we know how good this is.

"The Lost Thing" - And here is my favorite short of the lot. It made a rainbow in my heart.

I MAY, this is obviously a big "MAY", attempt a live-blog this awards show. In any case, get your drinks ready.


Great Backyard Bird Count Results!

I did my counting while on what was originally going to be a ski trip this past long weekend. I say "originally" because the weekend was plagued be extreme winds. We did get out and walk around a little but there were very few birds to be observed. The tally below covers Friday afternoon and the entire three-day weekend.

Habitat(s): coniferous woods, agricultural, rural, freshwater

Checklist: Canada Goose, Mallard, Hawk (unknown species), Gull (unknown species), American Crow, Common Raven, White-breasted Nuthatch


Art of the Day!

It's Hipster Tiktaalik!

It's Hipster Tiktaalik!