Here are some cheap glass bulbs, fresh from Big Lots. I got some Creamcolor craft paint, metallic markers, and ribbons from Michaels. I was a little intimidated, because I've heard that glass is a very unforgiving surface to paint on. Turns out this isn't necessarily the case.
I'm starting in on a Cardinal ornament. There are times when you want to have a detailed sketch down before you make any mark in color, but in this case, I just went for it. Painted in the basic shapes layer by layer. It worked out very well.
Here's the Cardinal about halfway done...
And here's the finished set of bird ornaments.
Not knowing what to do with the metallic ornaments, I went with a fantasy theme. The hard thing is not knowing what will sell best.
The craft fair is tonight and I figure whatever doesn't sell there will get sold on ebay eventually. Wish me luck!