
Friday, October 23, 2009

Boston Comic-Con 2009 is this weekend! Also, Humbugs.

Yay yay yay!!!

(NOTE: This post pretty much repeats everything from the previous post about Bo-Com-Con, so here's cuteness. As always, click for big:)

9.26.09 - Chickadee on Morning Glory

Boston Comic Con - Saturday & Sunday October 24th & 25th. 10am to 5pm both days.
Admission: $10 per person each day. Children under 10 free.
Wear a costume and get in for FREE! Really, you have no excuse not to come in costume.
Where: The Back Bay Events Center, 180 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA
This place is a little hard to get to. It's probably easiest to take the T. Take the Green Line to the Copely Square station. Walk down Boylston Street, past Dartmouth and Clarendon Street, until you hit Berkeley Street. Walk down Berkeley, past St. James Ave., and The BBEC should be the large building on your right.
Alternatively, follow all the people in costume.

I will be at the Comic Artist Guild Table. As this is the weekend before Halloween, I will probably have photos to share later if I can take some discreetly. Come on down and get yourself a promotional postcard!

And it is also time to Thrill The World on Sunday! Go join a pack of dancing zombies near you.

AND, we've started seeing commercials for "A Christmas Carol". We've done enough harping on ugly animation, so I'll ignore that factor for now. I'm more curious about something my cousin and I discussed after seeing the commercial for the third time during the course of one twenty-minute long television program:

COUSIN: "Another movie based on 'A Christmas Carol'?! WTF?"
TRISH: "Yeah, how did this conversation go? 'I'm sorry, Rob, but they've already made A Christmas Carol into a movie.'"
COUSIN: "Ha ha, 'Oh, but what if we made an animated movie?'"
TRISH: "'There are dozens of animated Christmas Carols! And it is practically obligatory for every animated series to do a holiday episode that parodies the story too!'"
COUSIN: "'Aw, man... WAIT! Has anyone ever made a THREE-D CHRISTMAS CAROL MOVIE?'"
TRISH: "OMG you are a genius!!!'"